Sunday, December 13, 2020

The Next US Civil War

Tom Sheppard

During the first Civil War of the United States of America slavery was a central issue triggering the war.  In like manner, the next civil war of the United States of America will be triggered by slavery.
Where the first civil war was triggered by the issue of chattel slavery, where human beings were owned, bought, sold, and discarded in the same manner as we handle automobiles today, the second civil war will be triggered by economic slavery.

Socialism enslaves the entire populace in much the same manner as serfs were enslaved by the aristocrats.  The aristocrats were the governing class and all the economic output of the serfs was directed for the benefit of the rulers.  Serfs were unable to move from place to place and were committed to whatever role the local aristocrat assigned them.

Socialist countries have operated in much the same manner.  Ordinary people had no freedom of movement with permits and they worked at whatever role the local party leader assigned them.  Meanwhile the fruits of their labors were not shared with them until after the ruling class took their fill off the top.  Whatever dregs remained was "generously provided" by the state for the workers to live on.

Today, in America we see a huge rise in ignorant youth led by calculating oldsters into embracing socialism.  I call them ignorant youth because they seem utterly uninformed about the horrors, depravity, scarcity, and oppression which socialism has inevitably visited on every country where it has been implemented throughout history.  I call them calculating oldsters because they are generally baby boomers who have been thwarted by democratic institutions and the US Constitution in their desires to exercise life and death power over others and understand that only by overturning the US Constitution can they gain the power they so desperately crave. Many of them even feel that they deserve this power because they are so much smarter than everyone else and should rule over us because of that virtue alone.  These power-hungry socialist leaders presume that they know what is better for us than we ourselves can decide.  They see us as the ignorant, unwashed masses who will only prosper under their benevolent despotism.

The ignorant youth and calculating, self-infatuated oldsters are all victims of their own echo chambers.  They surround themselves with like-minded and sycophants and banish all opposing voices.  Then, they point to the overwhelmingly supportive voices around them as evidence of the correctness of all their assumptions.

Unfortunately for them, there are three primary facts which they are ignoring at their own peril.  The first is that the actual number and percentage of Americans who fall into the category of "unwashed, ignorant, masses" are extremely few and most of them are in the camp of the socialists because the false promises of stolen wealth are more attractive than the prospect of having to work hard for a better life.  The silent majority who oppose the depredation and economic enslavement of socialism are far from being ignorant, they are however, long suffering, patient, and generally civil.  However, there is a wise saying that the socialists should remember, "beware the wrath of a patient man."

The socialists envision themselves as a storm of social change led by social justice warriors (SJWs).  Just as the swirling leaves dancing in the wind amid the first raindrops are just the harbingers of the real storm so too are these SJWs and their socialist overlords no more than leaves in the wind.  When the real storm comes, it will be the silent majority of freedom-loving Americans who are the storm.

The SJWs and socialists jeer at the silent majority and chant "Beware, the storm is coming."  The silent majority quietly whisper back, "We are the storm."

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Tom Sheppard is a business consultant and coach to small business owners and individuals. He is a recognized author with dozens of titles in business and fiction to his credit. One of his endeavors is to help those who want to see their own book in print. He does this through his trademarked Book Whispering Process (TM).

The author is not an official spokesperson for any organization or person mentioned herein.

(c) Copyright 2020 A+ Results LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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