Trump is a Danger to Our Well-Being
Tom Sheppard
A CNN headline came through my newsfeed today stating that Trump is a danger to our well-being. This isn’t the first time I have seen similar editorials from CNN and other sources.
- On May 15 of this year CNN trumpeted, “Trump Again Reveals His Dangerous Incompetence”.
- On June 28 CNN noted “Trump Putting Journalists in Danger.”
- On June 7, the Washington Examiner ( headline was “Trump’s Decision on Paris Agreement Poses Great Danger.”
- July 5 and again on July 22 linked Trump to the concept of danger in two separate stories, one about his campaign against fake news and another worrying about his inaction.
- Slate, on August 10 linked Trump’s rhetoric with North Korea to danger for everyone.
- The Washington Post on July 22 referred to Trump as “a Unique Threat to American Democracy.”
And, the consistent linking of Trump to the concept of being a danger isn’t confined solely to US publications. Das Spiegal ( called Trump the most dangerous man in the world. A piece reported by NPR on June 26 noted that a Pew Research poll of global respondents found a majority think trump is both arrogant and dangerous.
Trump’s critics have been consistently beating this drum that he is dangerous.
My response to all these alarums is this, “So, what's new? The President of the US is always dangerous.” The President of the United States (POTUS) has been the most dangerous man in the world since President Harry Truman ordered the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. Add to that, the POTUS has been the biggest single danger to the well-being of Americans since President George Washington.
The powers inherent in the Executive Branch of our government, as delineated both in the US Constitution, laws passed by Congress, and in the rulings of The US Supreme Court position POTUS to have significant impact on our well-being. POTUS lawfully can:
- Sign treaties with the UN and other foreign powers which give away our Constitutional rights and “become the law of the land.”
- Initiate wars, as long as he doesn’t call them a war, or let them go on too long, as Commander in Chief of our armed forces.
- Throw people in jail or spy on them (DOJ, IRS, Homeland Security, Department of State).
- Direct the DOJ to enforce, or not to enforce, specific laws.
- Direct the IRS to collect, or not collect, particular taxes (for instance the “Individual Mandate” from ObamaCare).
- Create or eliminate regulations that affect almost every area of your life –
- Your lights, heat, air conditioning, stove, oven (DOE),
- your job (OSHA, Commerce Department, Department of Labor),
- your health (CDC, NIH, FDA, Health and Human Services),
- the environment and what you can do with the land you own (EPA),
- what you can say and where (FCC),
- what you can drive (EPA, FTA),
- where many people can live (HUD),
- what you can use to buy things (Treasury),
- what you should be learning in school (Department of Education),
- what crops you can grow and how you can care for them (USDA)
- and the list goes on, and on.
Beyond these clearly established avenues to change our lives, there is the avenue of executive orders which, deservedly, awaken fears of extra-Constitutional actions flowing from the White House into the lives of many.
Regardless of who is POTUS, that person is dangerous to our well-being, as well as the well-being of nearly everyone on this planet (a few exploding nukes could ruin all our lives for generations).
With a list that touches almost everything in your life, it is beyond my comprehension why anyone would approach a presidential election with the level of ignorance that is commonplace in the voting populace of this country.
President Donald Trump is neither more, or less, dangerous than any president has been since Harry Truman, or even since George Washington.
What all the folks promoting fear of President Trump have in common is that they are all advocates of social agendas which are not aligned with the values promoted by our current POTUS.
When Barak Obama was POTUS, folks to the right of center were just as alarmed by the treaties, regulations and executive orders which he promoted. If you don’t know this, then you have never been on the mailing list of the National Rifle Association (NRA) and you have filtered out of your news feed sources like Fox News, Breitbart and The Wall Street Journal.
The reason the headlines back then weren’t filled with the same volume of portentous alarms is because the mainstream media sources (MMS) are almost exclusively inclined toward the socialist political agenda of the left of center. The unfortunate reality is the “watchdogs” of our republic are too busy eating the drugged meat of the socialist-leaning left to bark at the leftist encroachments on freedom and prosperity in the US. They have been retrained, like a version of Pavlov’s dogs, to bark only when the bell of the right chimes in the public square.
If you reflexively, uncritically, accept the news presented by the “major” news outlets, you have become part of the problem with politics, conflict, and civil debate in the US.
President Trump is dangerous. He has power at his fingertips which is almost incomprehensible. He is especially dangerous to the socialist agenda, just as President Obama was dangerous to the agendas of Federalism and Constitutional Conservatist agendas.
If the agenda of POTUS aligns with your own politics, then you will likely welcome his exercise of power to limit the actions of your opponents and increase the efficacy of the actions of your own faction.
The good news for everyone is that the checks and balances built into our government by the framers of the US Constitution are still functioning pretty well, in spite of many attempts by partisans of the left, center and right to cripple or kill them. Every time I see these checks and balances in action (even when they don’t land in my favor), I thank God for the far-reaching genius of those men.
It is my greatest hope that the recent fear that has ripped through those who find Trump dangerous, will inspire those who feel it to do all in their power, today and tomorrow, to support and strengthen the reliance of our republic on the US Constitution, and help to limit the powers of government to be restricted solely to those specific areas delineated by the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights and lawfully adopted amendments to the US Constitution.
The beauty of the US Constitution and the system of government we have built on that, is that it protects the minority from the tyranny of the majority as well as protecting the majority from the tyranny of the minority.
I also hope this unending “crisis”, manufactured by those who oppose the current POTUS, will inspire the members of the “fourth estate” to retreat from advocating any and all political agendas which have the effect (or objective) of disabling the checks and balances built into our government.
Tom Sheppard is a business consultant and coach to small business owners and individuals. He is a recognized author with dozens of titles in business and fiction to his credit. One of his endeavors is to help those who want to see their own book in print. He does this through his trademarked Book Whispering Process (TM).
The author is not an official spokesperson for any organization or person mentioned herein.
(c) Copyright 2017 A+ Results LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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